Red Devils :: British Airborne

Full Version: Form submission: WO1-D-4 Recruit Application Form
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A1 - You are aged 16 or over: Yes

A2 - You have a legal and working copy of Arma 3 installed: Yes

A3 - You have means for communication via VOIP: Yes

B1 - What name would you like to be known as in our community?: J. Dave

B2 - What is your Steam Community URL?:

B3 - Why do you wish to join the Red Devils?: I wanted to join the red devils because i wanted to join a WW2 unit that focused on being immersive and realistic.

B4 - What are your goals for yourself in our community?: My goals are to improve my knowledge in WW2 events and tactics and be immersed into the game.

C1 - I (the applicant) confirm that I have read, understand and agree to follow all rules and regulations set out by the Red Devils ArmA 3 Community where they are reasonable and fair: Yes

C2 - I (the applicant) confirm that I have answered all of the above questions correctly to the best of my knowledge: Yes

Dear J. Dave,

Your application has been set to PENDING. This has been done because you have not provided enough information in points B3 and B4. This is your introduction to the community, let us know more about yourself and your passions.

Please amend these issues, reply “Post amended” to this thread, and your application will be moderated again.

If you have any questions, then feel free to ask.

Dear J. Dave,

Your application can not be processed at this time due to lack of contact from you regarding our community.

If you believe this to be in error or that we have misjudged this then please contact me via PM here, contact us on our Discord server, or visit us on TeamSpeak.
