Red Devils :: British Airborne

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190615 Community Update

2230 hrs

A small update to keep everyone informed. We have two missions left as part of our D-Day 2019 operation string. The one coming on Sunday will see us as Canadian Paratroopers and the one the following Sunday will see us donning US gear as the 82nd Airborne. In terms of other events coming up, we have 22JUN19 Module II, 29JUN19 Module III, and 30JUN19 Ceremony. The 30th will also feature a mission after the ceremony. It is important for any Recruit who has not completed Module I to speak to your Section Commanders in order to organise a time to do this - otherwise, you'll miss out on this cycle of recruit training. 

The PvP planned for the end of June has been pushed back by a week and is currently scheduled in for 07th July - we will most likely be conducting a training on the day beforehand so we can familiarise ourselves with the plan and have time to liaise and train with the 7th Armoured Division. The PvP will be in the desert again, so you have the sand in your cracks to look forward to.

We've gained a few more members since the last update with our current total, excluding anyone marked as inactive, at 37 people. However, more are confirmed to be joining soon and we'll be reaching the over 40 player mark - a milestone I'm sure we all can be happy about. With this point I'd also like to stress the usage of the chain of command - many people message Barden or myself directly with issues or questions and this can sometimes be overwhelming when 20 other people do the same. Please direct as much of your questions and concerns to your section NCO(s) and if needed they will pass it up further. 

Following from the previous point, please ensure that you are filling out your attendance forms (the poll on each event post) well in advance of any event. We may soon be switching over to a new poll system which will give more flexibility to the shut-off point to the poll. Aim to have your response in NLT Thursday or Friday. I cannot tell you how helpful it is to know who will be attending - we know things crop up last minute, but these are easily communicated to commanders. I'd like to see the same number of replies to each poll as we have members in the group - we're not far off - but it could definitely be better.

I'm happy to see the Support Company is settling well into their new role and will be able to start taking a few more personnel soon - if you like any of the roles within S Coy, please send in an application following the guidelines here: . An additional point is that we are always on the search for non-commissioned officers and will be looking to expand to 3 Section at some point - please either send in a full application (follow the previous link) or inform Horner of your interest. Our whole NCO team is based upon the concept that if everyone helps a little, the effect overall is a lot.

Are you interested in making missions or Zeusing? One of the largest jobs within the group is the manufacture of scenarios and operations. We're looking to expand our Game Master team (i.e. mission makers), so if you are interested please make an application. Again, the idea is that if everyone does a little, nobody does a lot. If you have any questions about the role please get in touch with myself and I can answer any queries you have.

So you are all aware: our relations with other groups is also expanding, and the number of groups that we are in talks with is very extensive. We'll be looking to do some more joint events with other groups soon, we're just getting past our rather hectic past few months. Before jumping into many more joint events you can expect us to calm down for at least a few weeks in order to relax slightly.

Red Devils, as always, is improving constantly. This is a direct effect of our continued effort to maintain and push our training and effectiveness. We've come leaps and bounds from when we began, and the direction we are headed makes me very excited for the group in the future. 

Ready for anything,
Agreed! Thanks for everyone and to Horner! Red devils strong Big Grin
Good News.Some guys in the Unit spend hundrends of hours for that results.Good Job Guys.