Red Devils is keen to work with other units and groups. Not only do we wish to promote the PvP scene within Arma 3 WW2 but also PvE scenarios too; we often approach units with the aim of building relations in order to create a network of contacts who can all enjoy Arma 3 together.
A list of units that we work with enough to call affiliates can be found on this page. Note that not all groups we work with are listed, as we only list communities that we have enough knowledge and experience with to vouch for.
Are you interested in working with us? Please contact any Officer to initiate initial conversation between our groups. Our policy is to have details such as the mission and modpack confirmed no later than one week prior to the event, and such effort should be made from all parties involved to ensure this happens.
Our collaboration with the 7th Armoured Division involved inter-group trainings on our specialialities. Our groups also fight together and against one another in PvP scenarios. In the past they have joined us for our missions in the "Battle of Singapore" operation.
From their Reddit post: "The 7th Armoured Division is a British WW2 Milsim unit. The Rifle Brigade is based on a motorised halftrack platoon, the backbone of a rifle company." ... "Members take part in a campaign that follows the exploits of the real Desert Rats through the deserts of Africa, the mountains of Italy, the hedgerows of France, and the battered ruins of Germany." ... "Structure is important to us, but our goal is to create a camaraderie between our members rather than a rigid command structure."

7th Armoured Division
Allies (UK) - WW2

From their Website: "L’Organisation Francophone de Combats Réalistes sur ArmA is a 1901 law association created in 2007 on Arma. Its purpose is to recreate the most realistic and immersive gaming atmosphere that Arma can provide. The objective is to put the player in the conditions as close as possible to those he would meet on a real theater of operation. We regularly organize public PvP games as well as numerous private events and campaigns."
Formed in August 2018, 2ND BN ROYAL ANGLIAN REGIMENT emulates the battalion of the same name.
From their Website: "The poachers are combat infantrymen, taking part in both light protected mobility and light infantry roles. We are the backbone of the military. Formed in 2018 2 R ANG draws on years if knowledge from its members, allowing us to provide a High-quality, immersive experience working with British army SOPS. Experience our PHASE 1 as a recruit then dive into the role of a combat infantryman. Take part in reconnaissance patrols and gather vital intelligence, conduct assaults on settlements putting our FIBUA training to the test or set up ambush of an armoured column. There'll never be a dull moment."